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Estimation of Genetic Parameters for Four Reproduction Component Traits in Two Chinese Indigenous Pig Breeds  

Zhu, M.J. (Key Laboratory of Agricultural Animal Genetics, Breeding and Reproduction of Ministry of Education Huazhong Agricultural University)
Ding, J.T. (College of Animal Science and Technology, Yangzhou University)
Liu, B. (Key Laboratory of Agricultural Animal Genetics, Breeding and Reproduction of Ministry of Education Huazhong Agricultural University)
Yu, M. (Key Laboratory of Agricultural Animal Genetics, Breeding and Reproduction of Ministry of Education Huazhong Agricultural University)
Fan, B. (Key Laboratory of Agricultural Animal Genetics, Breeding and Reproduction of Ministry of Education Huazhong Agricultural University)
Li, C.C. (Key Laboratory of Agricultural Animal Genetics, Breeding and Reproduction of Ministry of Education Huazhong Agricultural University)
Zhao, S.H. (Key Laboratory of Agricultural Animal Genetics, Breeding and Reproduction of Ministry of Education Huazhong Agricultural University)
Publication Information
Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences / v.21, no.8, 2008 , pp. 1109-1115 More about this Journal
The reproduction component traits are important components of sow efficiency. The objective of this study was to evaluate the phenotypic and genetic parameters of four reproduction component traits (age at puberty (AP), preweaning number dead (PND), weaning to service interval (WSI), and intra-individual SD in litter size (IISDLS)) of sows in two Chinese indigenous pig breeds. Available reproductive records including 22,591 piglets born from 2,054 litters by 574 Jiangquhai sows and 464 Meishan sows were used in this investigation. A set of mixed models and restricted maximum likelihood methodology were used for the multiple trait analyses of these traits. The results showed that the estimates of heritabilities (${\pm}$standard error) for AP, PND, WSI and IISDLS were $0.40{\pm}0.05$, $0.06{\pm}0.03$, $0.20{\pm}0.02$ and 0.09{\pm}0.03 in Jiangquhai sows, and $0.35{\pm}0.06$, $0.05{\pm}0.03$, $0.18{\pm}0.03$ and $0.10{\pm}0.04$ in Meishan sows, respectively. There was moderate genetic correlation between AP and WSI, while there were low genetic correlations between the other pairwise traits. The genetic correlations were positive for most of the pairwise traits, except for the one between AP and IISDLS. The results indicated that all traits except for AP were difficult to make genetic improvement by traditional selection methods due to low heritabilities and the favorable improvement of AP might result in unfavorable changes of IISDLS due to the trend of genetic antagonism.
Sow; Reproduction Component Trait; Heritability; Genetic Correlation;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
Times Cited By Web Of Science : 3  (Related Records In Web of Science)
Times Cited By SCOPUS : 3
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