Carcass Characteristics, Chemical Composition and Fatty Acid Profile of the Longissimus Muscle of Bulls (Bos taurus indicus vs. Bos taurus taurus) Finished in Pasture Systems
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do Prado, Ivanor Nunes
(Department of Animal Science, State University of Maringa)
Aricetti, Juliana Aparecida (Department of Chemistry, State University of Maringa) Rotta, Polyana Pizzi (Department of Animal Science, State University of Maringa, Science grant) do Prado, Rodolpho Martin (Department of Animal Science, State University of Maringa, Science grant) Perotto, Daniel (IAPAR Agronomic Institute of Parana) Visentainer, Jesui Vergilio (Department of Graduate Chemistry, State University of Maringa) Matsushita, Makoto (Department of Graduate Chemistry, State University of Maringa) |
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