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Rectal Temperature of Lactating Sows in a Tropical Humid Climate according to Breed, Parity and Season  

Gourdine, J.L. (Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA))
Bidanel, J.P. (Station de Genetique Quantitative et Appliquee)
Noblet, J. (Unite Mixte de Recherches Systemes d'Elevage, Nutrition Animale et Humaine)
Renaudeau, D. (Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA))
Publication Information
Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences / v.20, no.6, 2007 , pp. 832-841 More about this Journal
Rectal Temperature;Thermoregulation;Sows;Breed;The effects of season (hot vs. warm) in a tropical humid climate, parity (primiparous vs. multiparous) and breed (Creole: CR, Large White: LW) on rectal temperature (RT) were studied for a total of 222 lactations obtained in 85 sows (43 CR and 42 LW; 56 primiparous and 166 multiparous) over a 28-d lactation, between June 2002 and April 2005. Mean daily ambient temperature was higher during the hot season than during the warm season (26.0 vs. $24.1^{\circ}C$) and relative humidity was high and similar in both seasons (89% on average). At farrowing, BW was lower (172 vs. 233 kg) and backfat thickness was higher (37 vs. 21 mm) in CR than in LW sows (p<0.01). During the hot season, the reduction of average daily feed intake (ADFI) was more pronounced in LW than in CR sows (-920 vs. -480 g/d, p<0.05). Rectal temperature was higher at 1200 than at 0700hr, which coincides with the maximum and the minimum values of daily ambient temperature. The daily RT increased ($+0.9^{\circ}C$; p<0.01) between d -3 and d 7 (d 0: farrowing day), remained constant between d 7 and d 25 and decreased (p<0.01) thereafter (i.e. $-0.6^{\circ}C$ between d 25 and d 32). The average daily RT was significantly higher during the hot than during the warm season (38.9 vs. $38.6^{\circ}C$; p<0.01). It was not affected by breed, but the difference in RT between the hot and warm seasons was more pronounced in LW than in CR sows (+0.4 vs. $+0.2^{\circ}C$; p<0.05). Parity influenced the RT response; it was greater in primiparous than in multiparous sows (38.9 vs. $38.7^{\circ}C$; p<0.01). This study suggests that thermoregulatory responses to heat stress can differ between breeds and between parities.
Rectal Temperature; Thermoregulation; Sows; Breed; Parity; Tropical Climate;
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