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Assessment of Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Poultry Enteric Fermentation  

Wang, Shu-Yin (Department of Animal Science, Chinese Culture University)
Huang, Da-Ji (Institute of Zoology, National Taiwan University)
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Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences / v.18, no.6, 2005 , pp. 873-878 More about this Journal
Emissions of nitrous oxide (N$_2$O) and methane (CH$_4$) from poultry enteric fermentation were investigated using a respiration chamber. Birds were placed in a respiration chamber for certain intervals during their growing period or for the whole life cycle. The accumulated gas inside the chamber was sampled and analyzed for N$_2$O and CH$_4$ production. A curve for gas production during a life cycle was fitted. The calculated area under the curve estimated the emission factor of poultry enteric fermentation on a life cycle basis (mg bird$^{-1}$ life cycle$^{-1}$). This method can be used to estimate CH$_4$ or N$_2$O emissions from different types of avian species taking into account factors such as diet, season or thermal effects. The CH$_4$/N$_2$O emission factors estimated for commercial broiler chickens, Taiwan country chickens and White Roman Geese were 15.87/0.03, 84.8/16.4 and 1,500/49 (mg bird$^{-1}$ life cycle$^{-1}$), respectively, while the calculated CH$_4$/N$_2$O emission from enteric fermentations were 3.03/0.006, 14.73/2.84 and 9.5/0.31 (Mg year$^{-1}$), respectively in Taiwan in the year of 2000. The described method is applicable to most poultry species and the reported emission factors were applicable to meat type poultry only.
Nitrous Oxide; Methane; Respiration Chamber; Enteric Fermentation; Emission Factors;
Citations & Related Records

Times Cited By Web Of Science : 3  (Related Records In Web of Science)
Times Cited By SCOPUS : 5
연도 인용수 순위
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