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Surimi Quality from Mechanically Deboned Chicken Meat as Affected by Washing Cycle, Salt Concentration, Heating Temperature and Rate  

Min, Byung-Jin (Department of Food Science and Technology in Animal Resources, Kangwon National University)
Lee, Sung-Ki (Department of Food Science and Technology in Animal Resources, Kangwon National University)
Publication Information
Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences / v.17, no.1, 2004 , pp. 131-136 More about this Journal
The effects of salt concentration and heating conditions on the thermal gelation properties of surimi produced from mechanically deboned chicken meat (MDCM) were investigated. Chicken surimi was manufactured by washing (MDCM: 0.5% NaCl=1:4), standing, straining and centrifuging. The fat, water-soluble protein and heme pigment in the MDCM were removed by increasing washing cycles. The compressive force of the chicken surimi increased as the concentration of salt was increased from 0% to 5%. Total gel strength of the surimi measured by texture profile analysis showed a maximum in the range 3-5% NaCl. Microstructural analysis showed that the unfolding network structure of the surimi gel began to appear at NaCl concentrations>2%. The optimum heating condition for gelation was $90^{\circ}C$ for 40 min as this resulted in maximum values for measures of gel strength including compressive force, hardness, fracturability, adhesiveness, springiness, gumminess, chewiness and resilience. Chicken surimi gel formed by cooking at a heating rate of $1^{\circ}C/min$ to $90^{\circ}C$ showed better a texture than gels produced at $1.85^{\circ}C/min$. Our result show that a lower rate of heating improves chicken surimi gelation.
Chicken Surimi; Mechanically Deboned Chicken Meat; Salt Concentration; Heating Condition;
Citations & Related Records

Times Cited By Web Of Science : 4  (Related Records In Web of Science)
Times Cited By SCOPUS : 4
연도 인용수 순위
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