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Responses of Labeo rohita to Dietary Lathyrus sativus Seeds  

Barse, A.V. (Central Institute of Fisheries Education, Agricultural Research Service)
Jadhao, S.B. (Central Institute of Fisheries Education, Agricultural Research Service)
Sahu, N.P. (Central Institute of Fisheries Education, Agricultural Research Service)
Srivastava, P.P. (Central Institute of Fisheries Education, Agricultural Research Service)
Jain, K.K. (Central Institute of Fisheries Education, Agricultural Research Service)
Pal, A.K. (Central Institute of Fisheries Education, Agricultural Research Service)
Publication Information
Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences / v.17, no.1, 2004 , pp. 127-130 More about this Journal
Lathyrus sativus, locally known as Khesari, is a leguminous pulse crop grown in many parts of the world for food (used by poor people) and animal feed/fodder. Its seeds are rich in protein and energy but contains anti-nutritional factors prominent among which is ${\beta}$-N-Oxalylamino-L-Alanine (BOAA), a neurotoxin causing lathyrism in humans due to prolong consumption. Keeping in view the chemical characteristics of this toxin and literary facts on L. sativus feeding in terrestrial animals, it was hypothesized that aquatic species may better utilise this ingredient in mixed extruded diets. Diets were prepared with varying levels (0, 10, 18, 26 and 34%) of L. sativus seeds and fed for 60 days to study growth, body composition and digestibility of nutrients. Final body weight, specific growth rate and feed and protein conversion ratio did not differ (p>0.05) between treatments. Crude protein digestibility was reduced (p<0.01) beyond 26% inclusion level of L. sativus. Final carcass composition with regard to protein, lipid and ash did not differ (p>0.05) among the treatments. Comparable craniosomatic, viscerosomatic, renosomatic and hepatic indices and no mortality implies no apparent adverse effect on the vital organs and fish health. It was concluded that L. sativus can be a promising feed ingredient that can be used up to 34% or possibly higher level in fingerlings diet. To our knowledge, it appears to be the first report of its kind under laboratory conditions.
Labeo rohita; Dietary Lathyrus sativus; BOAA; Growth; Body Composition;
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