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Bioluminescent Determination of Lactose Secretion: A Measure of the In Vitro Performance of Mammary Acini from Lactating Rats  

Choi, B.H. (Department of Animal Science, Chonnam National University)
Stewart, K.W. (The Waikato Polytechnic)
Davis, S.R. (AgResearch, Ruakura Research Centre)
Myung, K.H. (Department of Animal Science, Chonnam National University)
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Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences / v.15, no.2, 2002 , pp. 274-278 More about this Journal
A culture system for lactating rat mammary acini was evaluated, where the primary indicator of performance was lactose secretion, measured by a sensitive bioluminescence assay. Lactose secretion was reduced by half (p<0.01) over the first 6 h of culture by overnight feed withdrawal (FW) from tissue donors but was sensitive to increased glucose concentration in the culture media (p<0.001) up to 30 mM. Lactose production of cells from fed donors over the first 6 h in culture in 30 mM glucose was 8.9 fmol/cell/h - a rate calculated to be about half that in vivo. No significant difference was shown in lactose secretion by cells from fed or FW rats over 6-24 h. Lactose secretion was 3.6 fmol/cell/h by cells from fed animals in 40 mM glucose concentration media over the 6-24 h culture period. Addition of insulin to the culture media had no effect on rates of lactose secretion while addition of prolactin and hydrocortisone, with or without insulin, significantly (p<0.001) decreased lactose production over both 0-6 h and 6-24 h culture periods. Lactose synthesis in vitro was significantly enhanced by aeration of the media during collagenase digestion of mammary tissue (p<0.05). No improvement in lactose secretion was effected by shaking of cells during culture, Matrigel coating of culture dishes or change in cell density over a range up to 2.5 million cells per ml.
Lactose; Lactation; Mammary; Cell Culture; Hormones;
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