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Response of Feeding Amino Acids Supplemented Cottonseed Meal on Growth Performance and Digestibility of Early Weaned Cow Calves  

Khan, A.G. (Animal Nutrition Institute, National Agricultural Research Centre)
Azim, Atiya (Animal Nutrition Institute, National Agricultural Research Centre)
Mirza, I.H. (Animal Nutrition Institute, National Agricultural Research Centre)
Publication Information
Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences / v.15, no.2, 2002 , pp. 184-187 More about this Journal
This study was designed to examine the response of feeding early weaning diets without and with amino acids supplemented cottonseed meal on growth performance and digestibility of early weaned cow calves. Fifteen 14-21 days old cross bred cow calves were randomly allotted to three experimental diets. Diet A comprised of milk replacer and concentrate feed whereas two isocaloric and iso-nitrogenous early weaning diets viz., B and C were prepared without and with lysine and methionine supplemented cottonseed meal, respectively. These early weaning diets were used as substitute of milk replacer for calves. Calves were placed in individual cages and fed twice daily for a period of 60 days. Daily feed intake, feed refused and weekly weight gain was recorded. Two digestibility trials I and II were performed at 5th and 9th week of the experiment, respectively. During the digestibility trial I, calves were fed on ad libitum basis whereas in trial II, calves were fed at 90% of their voluntary DMI. Feed, orts and feces samples were collected, weighed daily, composited, subsampled and analysed for DM and CP. Results indicated that weight gain of calves was (p<0.05) higher on diets A (0.63 kg/d/calf) and C (0.64 kg/d/calf) compared to calves on diet B (0.57 kg/d/calf). Significantly (p<0.05) less daily DMI was observed on diet A (1.48 kg) compared to early weaning diets B (1.70 kg) and C (1.72 kg). The feed efficiency was (p<0.05) better on diet A (2.33) compared to diets B (2.95) and C (2.65). The economic efficiency was noticed to be better on diets B and C compared to diet A. In trial I, digestibility of DM and CP of diet A was (p<0.05) higher than diets B and C. Whereas in trial II, digestibility of DM and CP of diet A was (p<0.05) less than diets B and C. It was concluded that early weaning diet based on lysine and methionine supplemented cottonseed meal produced better weight gain and feed efficiency compared to non-supplemented cottonseed meal based diet.
Cow Calves; Early Weaning Diets; Growth Performance;
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Times Cited By SCOPUS : 3
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