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An Exploratory Study on the Usage Patterns of Software-based Design Tools in Designers' Ideation and Collaboration Activities  

Kim, Dongwook (KAIST)
Kim, Sungbum (Kumoh National Institute of Technology)
Publication Information
The purpose of this study was to explore how designers use software-based design tools for ideation and collaboration (for two cases: with designers and with developers). We conducted logistic regression analysis and random forest analysis. Software-based design tools are more popular among product designers and affiliated with design organizations with 51 to 100 members. We identify the features that influence designers to use design tools for the ideation and collaboration, and how these usage patterns are interrelated. Interrelated usage pattern is a key consideration for location of the menu and convenience of use. The results imply that reinforcement of the design tool features per designer profile is required and that design management should be consistent with the field of design and the nature of the organization.
Design tools; Ideation; Collaboration; Logistic regression; Random forest;
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