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Perceived Authenticity through Short Video: Audience Perceptions of Emerging Independent Fashion Designers Self-Presentations  

YAO, JIAHUI (Department of Design, Graduate School of Dongseo University)
KIM, SEHWA (Department of Design, Dongseo University)
Publication Information
The prevalence of We-Media short videos has attracted emerging independent fashion designers (EIFD), a new force in the fashion industry directing their brand promotion to We-Media for amassing online followers. However, compared to famous content generators, EIFDs' creative, design-based visual appeal has not provided them with the significant edge. The former's success is admittedly supported by the platform backstage algorithm. Yet, the content is the cornerstone for building relationship between the sender and the reception. The authentic perception of the content is one of the basic appeals for which the audience chooses to follow the source. Therefore, with the EIFD short video as the research content, this study is established from the audience's perspective to understand the different dimensions of their authentic perceptions of EIFDs short video. The study was conducted mainly in the form of the Q method. The collection of 52 Q samples were realized through the Focus Group Interview and literature review on multidimensional authenticity. Thirty-six subjects participated in the sorting of the Q-sets. Finally, four dimensions of audience authenticity perceptions of EIFDs were derived: 'ingenuity', 'relevant', 'transparent', and 'experiential'. The corresponding short video content design strategies are suggested for effective communication of EIFDs and their personal brands.
Emerging Independent Fashion Designer; Perceived Authenticity; We-media; Short video; Q methodology;
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