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Job Satisfaction among South Korean Police Officers: A Qualitative Approach  

Kang, Wook (Department of Police Science, Korea National Police University)
Cheong, Jinseong (Department of Police Administration, Soon Chun Hyang University)
Publication Information
Police officers' job satisfaction has usually been measured by quantitative methods such as survey. This research is the first attempt to interview police officers in Korea to find how satisfied they are with their job. Based on e-mail interview with fourteen police officers in Korea, the study measured the multiple dimensions of job satisfaction including work condition, relationship with supervisors and colleagues, personnel management, pay and benefit, and discretion. The results suggested that police officers' attitude toward their job and motivation of becoming police officers may influence their job satisfaction. Other findings and policy implications are also discussed.
Job Satisfaction; Qualitative Method; E-mail Interview; South Korean Police;
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