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Corrosion and Photo-Reflection Behavior of Aluminum and Stainless Steel During Immersion Test in Salt Solution  

Cho, Soo Yeon (Department of Advanced Materials Engineering, Chosun University)
Na, Hyeon Gyu (Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Chosun University)
Cho, Hye Ri (Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Chosun University)
Moon, Jong Ju (Department of Photonic Engineering, Chosun University)
Ahn, Tae-Jung (Department of Photonic Engineering, Chosun University)
Jang, HeeJin (Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Chosun University)
Publication Information
Corrosion Science and Technology / v.19, no.3, 2020 , pp. 109-114 More about this Journal
The photo-reflectance of aluminum and AISI 304 stainless steel during cyclic immersion test in 3 wt% NaCl solution was examined in this study. Overall, corrosion was not recognized by a visual inspection or weight measurement up to 310 h. When evaluated, it was noted that the roughness of the specimens did not change significantly. However, localized corrosion, which is located at the vicinity of intermetallic precipitation of aluminum or at the grain boundary of stainless steel, was confirmed by the use of an optical microscope and scanning electron microscopy after tens of hours of utilizing the corrosion test. In this respect, an increase of the peak intensity for metallic Al after 90 h of test, and for metallic Fe after 153 h was detected from the X-ray photoelectron spectra. In this context, it was shown that from the photo-reflectance spectra, the reflection of the visible light from the tested samples was changed noticeably over the test duration. As a result, the intensity of reflected light was decreased up to 90 h ~ 153 h, and thereafter was shown to increase higher than the initial intensity before the corrosion test.
Aluminum; Stainless steel; Photo-reflection; Localized corrosion; Salt solution;
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  • Reference
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