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Characterization of Programmed Cell Death in the Silkworm Thoracic Ganglia during Postembryonic Periods  

Kim, Soon-Ok (School of Life Sciences and Biotechnology, Korea University)
Kim, Mi-Young (School of Life Sciences and Biotechnology, Korea University)
Song, Hwa-Young (School of Life Sciences and Biotechnology, Korea University)
Kim, Jin-Hee (School of Life Sciences and Biotechnology, Korea University)
Kang, Pil-Don (Department of Agricultural Biology, National Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology)
Lee, Bong-Hee (School of Life Sciences and Biotechnology, Korea University)
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Animal cells and systems / v.11, no.1, 2007 , pp. 23-31 More about this Journal
Programmed cell death was characterized in the silkworm thoracic ganglia TG1, TG2 and TG3 during postembryonic periods by TUNEL assay. Apoptotic cells were detected in the three TGs of all larval stages except for day-1, 2 1st instar larvae, in which no apoptotic cells were found. From day-7 5th larva, the numbers of apoptotic cells were dramatically increased and peaked on day-1 pupa and day-2 pupa and then abruptly decreased. Apoptotic cells finally disappeared in day-1 adult. In-vivo injection of 20-hydroxyecdysone (20E) into day-8 5th larva resulted in a striking decrease of apoptotic cells. Actinomycin D (Act D) or cycloheximide (CHX), injected into hemolymph of day-8 5th larva, resulted in a decrease of apoptotic cells in the three TGs. Injection of caspase-8 and -3 inhibitors also blocked cellular apoptosis. These results will provide valuable information for understanding of cellular changes in the three TGs during metamorphosis of the insect species.
Cell apoptosis; thoracic ganglia; silkworm; 20E; TUNEL assay;
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