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Adverse Effect of Superovulation Treatment on Maturation, Function and Ultrastructural Integrity of Murine Oocytes  

Lee, Myungook (Department of Agricultural Biotechnology, Seoul National University)
Ahn, Jong Il (Research Institutes of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Seoul National University)
Lee, Ah Ran (Department of Agricultural Biotechnology, Seoul National University)
Ko, Dong Woo (Department of Agricultural Biotechnology, Seoul National University)
Yang, Woo Sub (Department of Agricultural Biotechnology, Seoul National University)
Lee, Gene (Laboratory of Molecular Genetics, Dental Research Institute, School of Dentistry, Seoul National University)
Ahn, Ji Yeon (Department of Agricultural Biotechnology, Seoul National University)
Lim, Jeong Mook (Department of Agricultural Biotechnology, Seoul National University)
Regular monitoring on experimental animal management found the fluctuation of ART outcome, which showed a necessity to explore whether superovulation treatment is responsible for such unexpected outcome. This study was subsequently conducted to examine whether superovulation treatment can preserve ultrastructural integrity and developmental competence of oocytes following oocyte activation and embryo culture. A randomized study using mouse model was designed and in vitro development (experiment 1), ultrastructural morphology (experiment 2) and functional integrity of the oocytes (experiment 3) retrieved after PMSG/hCG injection (superovulation group) or not (natural ovulation; control group) were evaluated. In experiment 1, more oocytes were retrieved following superovulation than following natural ovulation, but natural ovulation yielded higher (p < 0.0563) maturation rate than superovulation. The capacity of mature oocytes to form pronucleus and to develop into blastocysts in vitro was similar. In experiment 2, a notable (p < 0.0186) increase in mitochondrial deformity, characterized by the formation of vacuolated mitochondria, was detected in the superovulation group. Multivesicular body formation was also increased, whereas early endosome formation was significantly decreased. No obvious changes in other microorganelles, however, were detected, which included the formation and distribution of mitochondria, cortical granules, microvilli, and smooth and rough endoplasmic reticulum. In experiment 3, significant decreases in mitochondrial activity, ATP production and dextran uptake were detected in the superovulation group. In conclusion, superovulation treatment may change both maturational status and functional and ultrastuctural integrity of oocytes. Superovulation effect on preimplantation development can be discussed.
artificial reproductive Technology (ART); development; gonadotrophins; microorganelle function; oocyte maturation;
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