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Engineering and Application of Zinc Finger Proteins and TALEs for Biomedical Research  

Kim, Moon-Soo (Department of Chemistry, Western Kentucky University)
Kini, Anu Ganesh (Department of Chemistry, Western Kentucky University)
Engineered DNA-binding domains provide a powerful technology for numerous biomedical studies due to their ability to recognize specific DNA sequences. Zinc fingers (ZF) are one of the most common DNA-binding domains and have been extensively studied for a variety of applications, such as gene regulation, genome engineering and diagnostics. Another novel DNA-binding domain known as a transcriptional activator-like effector (TALE) has been more recently discovered, which has a previously undescribed DNA-binding mode. Due to their modular architecture and flexibility, TALEs have been rapidly developed into artificial gene targeting reagents. Here, we describe the methods used to design these DNA-binding proteins and their key applications in biomedical research.
biomedical application; sequence-specific DNA detection; transcriptional activator-like effector; zinc fingers;
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