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Crystal Structure of Hypothetical Fructose-Specific EIIB from Escherichia coli  

Park, Jimin (College of Pharmacy and Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Ewha Womans University)
Kim, Mi-Sun (College of Pharmacy and Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Ewha Womans University)
Joo, Keehyung (Center for insilico Protein Science and School of Computational Sciences, Korea Institute for Advanced Study)
Jhon, Gil-Ja (Department of Chemistry and Nano Science, Global Top5 Research Program, Ewha Womans University)
Berry, Edward A. (Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, State University of New York Upstate Medical University)
Lee, Jooyoung (Center for insilico Protein Science and School of Computational Sciences, Korea Institute for Advanced Study)
Shin, Dong Hae (College of Pharmacy and Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Ewha Womans University)
We have solved the crystal structure of a predicted fructose-specific enzyme $IIB^{fruc}$ from Escherichia coli ($EcEIIB^{fruc}$) involved in the phosphoenolpyruvate-carbohydrate phosphotransferase system transferring carbohydrates across the cytoplasmic membrane. $EcEIIB^{fruc}$ belongs to a sequence family with more than 5,000 sequence homologues with 25-99% amino-acid sequence identity. It reveals a conventional Rossmann-like ${\alpha}-{\beta}-{\alpha}$ sandwich fold with a unique ${\beta}$-sheet topology. Its C-terminus is longer than its closest relatives and forms an additional ${\beta}$-strand whereas the shorter C-terminus is random coil in the relatives. Interestingly, its core structure is similar to that of enzyme $IIB^{cellobiose}$ from E. coli ($EcIIB^{cel}$) transferring a phosphate moiety. In the active site of the closest $EcEIIB^{fruc}$ homologues, a unique motif CXXGXAHT comprising a P-loop like architecture including a histidine residue is found. The conserved cysteine on this loop may be deprotonated to act as a nucleophile similar to that of $EcIIB^{cel}$. The conserved histidine residue is presumed to bind the negatively charged phosphate. Therefore, we propose that the catalytic mechanism of $EcEIIB^{fruc}$ is similar to that of $EcIIB^{cel}$ transferring phosphoryl moiety to a specific carbohydrate.
frwD; fructose specific enzyme EIIB; functional cysteine; PTS permease; PTS system; X-ray crystallography;
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