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Marker Production by PCR Amplification with Primer Pairs from Conserved Sequences of WRKY Genes in Chili Pepper  

Kim, Hyoun-Joung (Department of Plant Science, Seoul National University)
Lee, Heung-Ryul (Department of Plant Science, Seoul National University)
Han, Jung-Heon (Center for Plant Molecular Genetics and Breeding Research, Seoul National University)
Yeom, Seon-In (Department of Plant Science, Seoul National University)
Harn, Chee-Hark (Biotechnology Institute, Nongwoo Bio Company)
Kim, Byung-Dong (Department of Plant Science, Seoul National University)
Despite increasing awareness of the importance of WRKY genes in plant defense signaling, the locations of these genes in the Capsicum genome have not been established. To develop WRKY-based markers, primer sequences were deduced from the conserved sequences of the DNA binding motif within the WRKY domains of tomato and pepper genes. These primers were derived from upstream and downstream parts of the conserved sequences of the three WRKY groups. Six primer combinations of each WRKY group were tested for polymorphisms between the mapping parents, C. annuum 'CM334' and C. annuum 'Chilsung-cho'. DNA fragments amplified by primer pairs deduced from WRKY Group II genes revealed high levels of polymorphism. Using 32 primer pairs to amplify upstream and downstream parts of the WRKY domain of WRKY group II genes, 60 polymorphic bands were detected. Polymorphisms were not detected with primer pairs from downstream parts of WRKY group II genes. Half of these primers were subjected to $F_2$ genotyping to construct a linkage map. Thirty of 41 markers were located evenly spaced on 20 of the 28 linkage groups, without clustering. This linkage map also consisted of 199 AFLP and 26 SSR markers. This WRKY-based marker system is a rapid and simple method for generating sequence-specific markers for plant gene families.
Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism(AFLP); Capsicum annuum; Linkage Map; Polymorphism; Sequence-specific Marker; Simple Sequence Repeats (SSR); WRKY Gene;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 4  (Citation Analysis)
Times Cited By Web Of Science : 5  (Related Records In Web of Science)
연도 인용수 순위
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