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Understanding of the Reflection and Contextualization in the Didactic Transposition  

Hwang, Hye Jeang (Department of Mathematics Education Chosun University)
Publication Information
The researches on the didactic transposition in mathematics education have been conducted almost for 35 years in Korea. Those studies have been quite usually interested in the extreme phenomena such as Topaze Effect, Meta-Cognitive Shift, etc. However, the understanding on the meaning and roles of contextualization and decontextualization in the theory of didactic transposition is needed theoretically in mathematics education and also practically in school mathematics. In particular, for the purpose of managing the efficient instruction on the class, the proper and plentiful role and application of the contextualization is very important in the aspect of the teacher as well as the learner respectively. By this reason, this study investigates the meaning and role of reflection based on the concept of contextualization.
didactical transposition; Reflection; contextualization; decontextualization;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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