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A Linguistic Study on the Sentence Problems in 2015 revised Elementary Mathematics Textbooks  

Kim, Young A (Busan AnRak Elementary School)
Kim, Sung Joon (Busan National University of Education)
Publication Information
In problem solving education, sentence problems are a tool for comprehensive evaluation of mathematical ability. The sentence problems refer to the problem expressed in sentence form rather than simply a numerical representation of mathematical problems. In order to solve sentence problems with a mixture of mathematical terms and general language, problem-solving ability including the ability to understand the meaning of sentences as well as the mathematical computation ability is required. Therefore, it is important to analyze syntactic elements from the linguistic aspects in sentence problems. The purpose of this study is to investigate the complexity of sentence problems in the length of sentences and the grammatical complexity of the sentences in the depth of the sentences by analyzing the 51 sentence problems presented in the $4^{th}$ grade mathematics textbook(2015 revised curriculum). As a result, it was confirmed that it is necessary to examine the length and depth of the sentence more carefully in the teaching and learning of sentence problems. Especially in elementary mathematics, the sentence problems requires a linguistic understanding of the sentence, and therefore it is necessary to consider syntactic elements in the process of developing and teaching sentence problems in mathematics textbook.
problem solving education; sentence problems; linguistic aspects; syntactic elements; complexity of sentence problems; length of sentences; depth of sentences; elementary mathematics;
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  • Reference
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