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The reinterpretation and the visualization of Pappus' methods for trisecting the angle  

Kim, Hyang Sook (Department of Applied Mathematics & Institute of Natural Science Inje University)
Kim, Yang (Department of Applied Mathematics Inje University)
Pak, Jin Suk (Kyungpook National University)
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The purpose of this paper is to reinterpret and visualize Pappus' methods for trisecting the angle by utilizing the Nicomedes' conchoid and Apollonius' symptom of a hyperbola. In particular, we reinterpret the Pappus' three results which are the methods of hyperbola and circle, the trisection of the arc and focus and directrix of the hyperbola by 3 steps(analysis, construction, and proof) in the current middle school curriculum of Mathematics. Moreover, we visualize the construction of an hyperbola which is represented by means of an eccentricity.
Trisection of angle; Reinterpretation; Visualization; Construction; Conchoid; Hyperbola;
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  • Reference
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