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Performing and Effects Team-Based Learning Program for improving of Teaching Competencies of Pre-service Elementary School Teachers  

Ryu, Hyunah (Chinju National University of Education)
Publication Information
This study expects that Team Based Project Learning can act positive role to improve pre-service elementary teachers' teaching competence from previous studies. So designing and executing Team Based Project Learning program, I can provide some suggestions to the teaching method for teacher training education. In this study, Team Based Project Learning focuses on the use of history of mathematics in school mathematics. Also from organizing the team to evaluation, I conduct team activity systematically both inside and outside the classroom. The result of this study shows that pre-service elementary teachers' teaching competence has improved and I could identify the positive response about the value of using the history of mathematics and effect of Team Based Project Learning in mathematics learning.
Team-Based Learning(PBL); Pre-service Teacher; Teaching Competency;
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