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Study on Mathematical Belief about Liberal art subject of Mathematics  

Kim, Yunmin (Keimyung University)
Publication Information
This study aimed to understand the needs of changes in the teaching-learning environment in the university and to develop the liberal art subject of mathematics. The changes of mathematical belief in the university students were investigated to understand how the liberal art subject of mathematics affected them related to mathematics. Upon the study results, the significant changes were occurred from the utility factor on the subject of mathematics in mathematical belief, the importance factor of the answers in the teaching-learning belief, teaching activity factor of the teachers, and inborn capability factor in the belief on the self-concept. The meaningful learning environment and teaching method for the liberal art subject of mathematics are suggested further by these results.
Liberal Art Subject of Mathematics; Mathematics Belief;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 6  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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