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수준상승에 기초한 수학학습지도에 관한 연구  

Lim, Dae-Keun (Department of Mathematics Keimyung University)
Kim, Hyun-Jung (Department of Mathematics Keimyung University)
Publication Information
In this paper, we apply mathematising activities to geometry contents of corrent in middle and high school in order to actualize learning and teaching through Freudenthal's, Piaget's, and Van Hieles's mathematising among many theories affecting teaching and learning methods. Learners find out mathematical idea through the activities of mathematising that interprete mathematical problemm. And we derive mathematic through the experience of vertical mathematising that expresses it. Based on it, Freudenthal's progressive mathematising process, etc are used in doing the activities of applicative mathematising.
수준상승;수학화;반영적 추상화;기하적 사고수준이론;
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  • Reference
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