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One injection for a great projection: a quick and simple procedure for nipple reconstruction  

Tanini, Sara (Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Microsurgery, Careggi University Hospital)
Calabrese, Sara (Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Microsurgery, Careggi University Hospital)
Lucattelli, Elena (Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Microsurgery, Careggi University Hospital)
Russo, Giulia Lo (Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Microsurgery, Careggi University Hospital)
Publication Information
Archives of Plastic Surgery / v.48, no.2, 2021 , pp. 179-184 More about this Journal
Women attach great importance to the presence of a three-dimensional nipple upon completion of the breast reconstruction process. To meet patients' expectations, nipple-areolar complex reconstruction should achieve symmetry in position, size, shape, texture, and color, as well as minimizing donor-site morbidity. However, it is well known that regardless of the reconstructive technique, loss of nipple projection can be reasonably expected. We developed and evaluated a quick, simple, and innovative technique using injectable Integra Flowable Wound Matrix to increase nipple projection after reconstruction. Twenty breast cancer patients who underwent nipple reconstruction resulting in unsatisfactory projection were enrolled in our retrospective study. Nipple projection was measured at the time of surgery and after 6 and 12 months. A visual analogue scale was used to assess patients' satisfaction. Our technique yielded reliable results in terms of the long-lasting maintenance of nipple projection. This method is high-priced, but cost-effective, since one kit may suffice for three patients. Furthermore, our patients were very appreciative of this technique as a single-step, minimally invasive, painless procedure with no reported necessity of re-intervention.
Nipple; Breast; Breast neoplasm; Dermal filler; Acellular dermis;
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