Long-Term Follow-Up Study of Young Adults Treated for Unilateral Complete Cleft Lip, Alveolus, and Palate by a Treatment Protocol Including Two-Stage Palatoplasty: Speech Outcomes |
Kappen, Isabelle Francisca Petronella Maria
(Department of Plastic Surgery, University of Utrecht)
Bittermann, Dirk (Department of Maxillofacial Surgery, University Medical Centre of Utrecht) Janssen, Laura (Department of Plastic Surgery, University Medical Centre of Utrecht) Bittermann, Gerhard Koendert Pieter (Department of Maxillofacial Surgery, University Medical Centre of Utrecht) Boonacker, Chantal (Julius Centre for Health Sciences and Primary Care, University Medical Centre of Utrecht) Haverkamp, Sarah (Speech and Language Pathology, ENT-Surgery, University Medical Centre of Utrecht) de Wilde, Hester (Speech and Language Pathology, ENT-Surgery, University Medical Centre of Utrecht) Van Der Heul, Marise (Speech and Language Pathology, ENT-Surgery, University Medical Centre of Utrecht) Specken, Tom FJMC (Department of Plastic Surgery, University Medical Centre of Utrecht) Koole, Ron (Speech and Language Pathology, ENT-Surgery, University Medical Centre of Utrecht) Kon, Moshe (Department of Plastic Surgery, University Medical Centre of Utrecht) Breugem, Corstiaan Cornelis (Department of Plastic Surgery, University Medical Centre of Utrecht) van der Molen, Aebele Barber Mink (Department of Plastic Surgery, University of Utrecht) |
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