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Obtaining Maximal Stability with a Septal Extension Technique in East Asian Rhinoplasty  

Jeong, Jae Yong (PLUS Aesthetic Surgery Clinic)
Publication Information
Archives of Plastic Surgery / v.41, no.1, 2014 , pp. 19-28 More about this Journal
Recently, in Korea, the septal extension graft from the septum or rib has become a common method of correcting a small or short nose. The success rate of this method has led to the blind faith that it provides superior tip projection and definition, and to the failure to notice its weaknesses. Even if there is a sufficient amount of cartilage, improper separation or fixation might waste the cartilage, resulting in an inefficient operation. Appropriate resection and effective fixation are essential factors for economical rhinoplasty. The septal extension graft is a remarkable procedure since it can control the nasal tip bidirectionally and three dimensionally. Nevertheless, it has a serious drawback since resection is responsible for septal weakness. Safe resection and firm reconstruction of the framework should be carried out. Operating on the basis of the principle of "safe harvest" and rebuilding the structures is important. Further, it is important to learn several techniques to manage septal weakness, insufficient cartilage quantity, and failure of the rigid frame during the surgery.
Rhinoplasty; Nasal septum; Ear cartilage; Nose deformities, Acquired;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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