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Posteromedial thigh perforator flap : An Anatomical Study and Clinical Applications  

Hu, Jung-Woo (Department of Plastic Surgery, The Catholic University of Korea, College of Medicine)
Jung, Sung-No (Department of Plastic Surgery, The Catholic University of Korea, College of Medicine)
Kwon, Ho (Department of Plastic Surgery, The Catholic University of Korea, College of Medicine)
Rhie, Jong Won (Department of Plastic Surgery, The Catholic University of Korea, College of Medicine)
Yoo, Gyeol (Department of Plastic Surgery, The Catholic University of Korea, College of Medicine)
Oh, Deuk Young (Department of Plastic Surgery, The Catholic University of Korea, College of Medicine)
Jun, Young Joon (Department of Plastic Surgery, The Catholic University of Korea, College of Medicine)
Choi, Yun Seok (Department of Plastic Surgery, The Catholic University of Korea, College of Medicine)
Publication Information
Archives of Plastic Surgery / v.36, no.4, 2009 , pp. 406-410 More about this Journal
Purpose: An anatomical study concerning the location of the perforators to the posteromedial thigh perforator flap was done for the purpose of clinical application, and reconstruction using this flap was undergone for 3 patients with ischial sores. Methods: The authors dissected 6 cadavers, measuring the distance between the perforator of the posteromedial thigh perforator flap and the extended line of the inguinal crease. The location of the perforator was studied using this data. In the 3 cases mentioned above, perforators were traced using Doppler ultrasonography and the sores were reconstructed with posteromedial thigh perforator flaps. Results: Anatomical study results revealed that posteromedial thigh perforators were found $77{\pm}18.9mm$ below the extended line of the inguinal crease. Application of the flap in the 3 patients was successful. Conclusion: The perforator to the posteromedial thigh perforator flap was found to be located in a relatively consistent position. Since this flap is also comparatively easy to elevate and mobilize, and shows low donor site morbidity, it is thought to be very useful in the treatment of ischial sores.
posteromedial thigh; perforator flap; ischial sore;
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  • Reference
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