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Experience of Hemophilic Pseudotumor Developed at the Fracture Site of the Proximal Phalanx of the Hand  

Park, Ji Ung (Department of Plastic and Recnstructive Surgery, Dongguk University International Hospital)
Kim, Chang Yeon (Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Hanyang University Hospital)
Shin, Jong In (Department of Plastic and Recnstructive Surgery, Dongguk University International Hospital)
Cho, Sang Hun (Department of Plastic and Recnstructive Surgery, Dongguk University International Hospital)
Publication Information
Archives of Plastic Surgery / v.34, no.4, 2007 , pp. 516-519 More about this Journal
Purpose: Hemophilia is one of the most common bleeding disorder, and circulating levels of factor VIII or IX are closely related to the severity and frequency of the bleeding. The severity of hemophilia is classified to be severe, moderate, and mild when the factor level is less than 1%, between 1% and 5%, and between 5% and 25%, respectively. Hemophilic pseudotumor is a rare complication occurring in 1 - 2% of patients with factor VIII or IX deficiency. If the treatment is delayed, it would cause disabling and life threatening results. Methods: We experienced hemophilic pseudotumor developed at the fracture site of the proximal phalanx of the hand in a hemophilic B patient. Hemophilic pseudotumor was successfully treated with perioperative factor replacement and surgical intervention included excision and autologous bone graft. Results: Hemophilic pseudotumor was healed with complete regression, and no specific complication was developed. Conclusion: When we accounter hematoma like lesion after surgery unpredictably, we must consider hemophilic pseudotumor and make a accurate diagnosis with preoperative hematologic screening and various imaging study. Subsequently, adequate perioperative supplement of concentrate and surgical intervention brings to the satisfactory result without recurrence.
Hemophilic pseudotumor; Factor replacement;
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