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The Usability of Perforator-based Fasciocutaneous Flap for Trochanteric Pressure Sore  

Yoo, Jung Seok (Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Hanil General Hospital)
Lim, Jun Kyu (Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Hanil General Hospital)
Yoon, In Mo (Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Hanil General Hospital)
Lee, Dong Lark (Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Hanil General Hospital)
Ahn, Tae Hwang (Kim Duck Rae Plastic Surgery Clinic)
Publication Information
Archives of Plastic Surgery / v.34, no.2, 2007 , pp. 203-208 More about this Journal
Purpose: Myocutaneous flap was widely used for trochanteric pressure sore but it had many drawbacks such as donor site morbidity, dog-ear deformity and functional muscle sacrifice. We have performed fasciocutaneous flap based on perforating vessels and succeeded in overcoming its drawbacks. Methods: We experienced 11 cases of perforator-based fasciocutaneous flap for the coverage of trochanteric pressure sore in 9 patients, 2 cases of which were bilateral. The ambulatory status of patient group is as follows: 6 of them used a wheelchair, 2 of them are free walking, 1 of them use a wheelchair or crutches. Flap was supplied by cutaneous perforating vessel of descending branch of the lateral circumflex femoral artery and the third perforating artery of the deep femoral artery. The size of wounds were from $4{\times}6.5cm$ to $10{\times}13cm$. Results: We did not find any flap loss or congestion except 2 partial wound dehiscences and 1 wound infection. Donor site morbidity was not found. We observed no recurrence of the pressure sore during the 2.5 year follow-up period. Conclusion: We considered that perforator-based fasciocutaneous flap could overcome the traditional drawbacks of the conventional myocutaneous flap and its modified flap for trochanteric pressure sore. And this flap has many advantages for covering trochanteric pressure sore without any donor site deformity and morbidity, which would greatly improve the aesthetic result.
Pressure ulcer; Trochanter; Perforator; Tensor fascia lata;
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