Ideal results of augmentation mammaplasty consist of symmetry, natural shape, soft feeling and inconspicuous scar. In addition, patient's preferences about size and shape should be included. Static implants could not perfectly satisfy patients' desires for size and shape, but expandable implants enable to change the volume after the operation. From September 2001 to September 2004, 76 patients(150 breasts) underwent breast augmentation using permanent expandable implant. The procedure was unilateral in 2 women and bilateral in 74 women. Age ranged from 19 to 50 years(mean, 29 years). Fifty nine patients underwent simple augmentation mammaplasty, 7 patients were corrected of their severe asymmetry, 2 patients with the congenital breast deformity underwent mammaplasty using this, and 2 patients who had undergone unilateral mastectomy were reconstructed of their breasts using expandable implant. There were no definite complications such as capsular contracture, implant rupture, asymmetry. And there reported little dissatisfaction about the size. The permanent expandable implants might be good alternatives in cases of ordinary breast augmentation as well as tissue deficient patients, asymmetry, congenital anomaly, and breast reconstruction.