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Effects of the Self-managed Seogeum Therapy among College Students with Allergic Rhinitis  

Park, Hong Ju (Department of Nursing, Gimhae College)
Kim, Nam Hee (Department of Nursing, Dong-Eui University)
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Journal of East-West Nursing Research / v.25, no.2, 2019 , pp. 103-116 More about this Journal
Purpose: This study investigated the effects of the Seogeum therapy among college students with allergic rhinitis. Method: A non-equivalent control group pretest-posttest non-synchronized design was used. Intervention of Seogeum therapy has been performed from March 2 through March 31, 2017. Sixty college students diagnosed with allergic rhinitis from two different colleges in B and K cities were assigned to the experimental and control group. Data analysis were conducted using descriptive statistics, chi-square test, Fisher's exact test, and t-test. Results: There were significant differences in nose itching (t=4.89, p<.001), sneezing (t=6.26, p<.001), watery rhinorrhea (t= 4.09, p<.001), nasal congestion (t=2.36, p=.022), the percent of eosinophil (t=2.01, p=.049), perceived stress (t=2.05, p=.045), and allergic rhinitis related quality of life (t=4.33, p<.001) between the two groups. However, there were no significant differences in the percent of IgE (t=0.60, p=.553) and level of cortisol (t=0.53, p=.598). Conclusion: The results of this study indicates that the self-management of Seogeum therapy improved physical and psychological status of the college students with allergic rhinitis which ultimately improved their quality of life.
Allergic rhinitis; Self-management; Program; Quality of life;
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Times Cited By KSCI : 2  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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