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Study on Epidemic Warm Diseases with dampness of "OnByeongJoByeon"  

Park, Mi Sun (Department of Oriental Pathology, College of Oriental Medicine, WonKwang University)
Kim, Yeong Mok (Department of Oriental Pathology, College of Oriental Medicine, WonKwang University)
Publication Information
Journal of Physiology & Pathology in Korean Medicine / v.26, no.6, 2012 , pp. 803-811 More about this Journal
Oriental Medicine always attach great importance to the damp diseases. Dampness is related with many organs and many clinical diseases. The cause and the location of the damp disease, nature of the symptoms, combination with other pathogenic factors are very diverse. This article analyzed the concept, cause of disease, pathogenesis, characteristic of symptoms, treatment method and prescriptions of Epidemic Warm Diseases of dampness syndrome and cases of dampness-heat diseases based on the theories of Epidemic Warm Diseases and found that theories of Epidemic Warm Diseases have very wide area of application. Dampness is classified into cold-dampness and dampness-heat by combination of heat or cold. The dampness syndrome is related with organs such as lung, spleen, kidney, triple energizers and bladder, and affects liver and heart. The basic treatment methods are dispelling dampness turbidity and diffusing qi movement. The detail treatment methods are spreading lung qi with lightness and resolving dampness and excreting turbidity in upper energizer, opening and dipping down with pungent-bitter and diffusing qi movement and strengthening the spleen and stomach in the middle energizer, draining dampness with bland in the lower energizer. Warming Yang is the main method of treatment for cold-dampness and clearing heat is for dampness-heat with the assistant methods such as resolving dampness and promoting the flow of qi. 5. Acute fever, virus diseases, epidemic diseases among modern diseases are much related with the dampness-heat syndrome.
Epidemic Warm Diseases; "OnByeongJoByeon";
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