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A Study of Personal Characteristics That Influence Platform Business  

Kim, Young Jun (Department Chung-Ang University)
Choi, Myeonggil (School of Business, Chung-Ang University)
Publication Information
Journal of Information Technology Applications and Management / v.27, no.2, 2020 , pp. 51-71 More about this Journal
Technological innovation can be both an opportunity and a crisis to take the initiative in the ecosystem, and companies are constantly competing to lead the platform within the ecosystem, including innovation in new products and services, absorption or integration of related industries. To cope with this rapid change in the environment today, it is essential to define the corporate ecosystem and platform business, and to understand the role and characteristics of users. This study seeks to conduct research on the usefulness, enjoyment, technicality, facilitation conditions, and causes of social impact on platform service loyalty to users of Kakao services. And this study will enable platform service providers through apps to use them as the basis for building business strategies in the service introduction phase.
Platform Business; Corporate Ecosystem; Loyalty; Usefulness; Social Impact; Usefulness;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
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