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The Management Knowledge Information Resources of Student Independent Movement under the Rule of Japanese Imperialism  

Chang, Woo-Kwon (전남대학교 문헌정보학과)
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Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society / v.46, no.1, 2015 , pp. 203-239 More about this Journal
This research aims to present an archive on the management knowledge information resources of Student Independent Movement under the rule of Japanese Imperialism in a viewpoint document information and archives. This study consists of two aspects : a document investigation based on Student Independent Movement and knowledge information resource and in a practical examine based on the first departure of SIM, distribution of knowledge information resources, and their management. They are produced a various of document knowledge information and was formed knowledge information resource management and archives in a library, a newspaper office, Independence Hall, Nation Archives of Korea, and school media center. The result of this research was looked forward to help to R&D of knowledge information resource management in values and competencies for Student Independent Movement.
Student independent movement; Rule of Japanese imperialism; Archive; Knowledge information resource; Management knowledge information resource;
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  • Reference
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