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A Psychodynamic Inquiry into the Self-Esteem of a Middle-Aged Man via Bibliotherapy  

Kim, Young-Ah (서울기독대학교)
Publication Information
Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society / v.43, no.4, 2012 , pp. 201-224 More about this Journal
This paper applies bibliotherapy in order to restore the self-esteem of a middle-aged man in particular. The Bible and six self-help books are used for its therapy. In conclusion, the middle-aged male clients have restored their self-esteem and improve their sense of human dignity in the counseling program which used the Bible and self-help literatures. Bibliotherapy has also proven itself as an important method of psychotherapy which educates the clients to resolve their psychological issues.
Bible; Middle-age; Self-esteem; Reading; Bibliotherapy;
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