Effect of Dietary Silkworm Droppings on Chemical Composition of Pork Loin
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Lee, J.I.
(Advanced Swine Research Institute, Gyeongnam Province)
Lee, J.D. (Advanced Swine Research Institute, Gyeongnam Province) Ha, Y.J. (Advanced Swine Research Institute, Gyeongnam Province) Jung, J,D. (Advanced Swine Research Institute, Gyeongnam Province) Lee, J.W. (Advanced Swine Research Institute, Gyeongnam Province) Lee, J.R. (Advanced Swine Research Institute, Gyeongnam Province) Kwack, S.J. (Advanced Swine Research Institute, Gyeongnam Province) Kim, D.H. (Regional Animal Industry Research Center, Jinju National University) Do, C. H. (Advanced Swine Research Institute, Gyeongnam Province) |
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