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A Newly Recorded Sea Star of the Genus Luidia (Asteroidea, Paxillosida, Luidiidae) from Jeju Island, Korea, Based on Morphological and Molecular Analysis  

Lee, Taekjun (Marine Biological Resource Institute, Sahmyook University)
Shin, Sook (Marine Biological Resource Institute, Sahmyook University)
The genus Luidia belongs to the family Luidiidae in the order Paxillosida. It is a common littoral taxon, and the depth range of the Korean fauna is generally 0-100 m. However, specimens of Luidia were collected from Jeju Island in Korea at 150-160 m depth and identified as Luidia sagamina sagamina $D{\ddot{o}}derlein$, 1920. This species is determined by morphological characteristics and mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I sequence analysis. Luidia sagamina sagamina is a very rare sea star in worldwide and it only collected previously from Sagami Bay, Japan, and is newly reported in Korea. Four species of Luidia, including L. s. sagamina, are recorded in the Korean fauna.
taxonomy; morphology; COI; molecular identification;
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Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
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