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An Convergence Analysis of Muscle Characteristics, Muscle Activity and Posture in Patients with Cervicogenic Headache  

Yoon, Jong-Hyuk (Wonkwang University Jangheung Intergrated Medicine Hospital)
Publication Information
Journal of Digital Convergence / v.19, no.6, 2021 , pp. 265-271 More about this Journal
This study aimed to define the diagnostic criteria for cervicogenic headache and propose an efficient method of clinical evaluation and physical therapy. Fifteen patients with cervicogenic headache and 15 healthy individuals were recruited and categorized into the test group and the control group, respectively. The groups were compared in terms of muscle characteristics, muscle activity and posture, and the intervariable correlations were analyzed for the test group. A significant between-group difference was found in the stiffness of the suboccipital muscle and the tone and stiffness of the upper trapezius muscle (p<.001). In posture comparison, a significant difference was noted in neck tilt angle and the T1 slope angle (p<.05). The activity of the sternocleidomastoid muscle was also significantly different between the groups (p<.001). When the correlations among the muscle characteristics, the posture, and the activity of the sternocleidomastoid muscle were analyzed for the test group, a positive correlation was found between the tone and the stiffness of the suboccipital muscle (p<.001) and between the tone and the stiffness of the upper trapezius muscle (p<.001). The findings of this study suggest a more efficient approach for the assessment and treatment of cervicogenic headache patients. It is considered that, further studies including more subjects of various job categories and comparing the outcomes.
Cervicogenic headache; Muscle characteristics; Convergence analysis; neck tilt angle; T1 slope angle;
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Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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