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Study for Utility and Improvement of Mobile Applications for Diet and Dietary Life of College Students  

Nam, Hae-Won (Dept. of Foodservice Industry, Suwon Women's University)
Myung, Choon-Ok (Dept. of Hotel & Culinary Arts, Osan University)
Park, Young-Sim (Devision of Food Science and Culinary Arts, Shinhan University(Institute of Symbiotic Life-TECH, Yonsei University))
Publication Information
Journal of Digital Convergence / v.16, no.7, 2018 , pp. 231-241 More about this Journal
Free from limitations of time and space, diet management with smartphones can be highly useful for college students. This study aimed to improve the utility of diet related apps by efficacy and app evaluation after using the apps for 2 weeks. Results showed that the intent for continuing use apps was low, and the lack of efficacy indicated the currently developed apps had not significantly influenced their motivating healthy diet. Average app rating was $3.12{\pm}0.85$. Among 4 rating factors, convenience and contents were relatively higher than usefulness and community. Especially, there was significant difference in contents and convenience according to gender, contents and community according to BMI and previous diet experience. In the future, considering the needs and characteristics of college students, we need to find ways to enhance the usefulness of the app and to strengthen the social networking.
College students; Mobile Apps; Diet; Dietary Life; App Efficacy; App Evaluation;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 8  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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