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Review about the Study of Ssanghwa-tang Published in Korea from 2000 to 2019  

Nam, Dae-jin (Department of Korean Medicine Rehabilitation, College of Korean Medicine, Daejeon University)
Oh, Min-Seok (Department of Korean Medicine Rehabilitation, College of Korean Medicine, Daejeon University)
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Journal of Haehwa Medicine / v.28, no.2, 2019 , pp. 12-19 More about this Journal
Objectives : The aim of this review was to analyse the study tendency in papers related with Ssanghwa-tang which are published in Korea from 2000 to 2019. Methods : We searched the four electronic database (NSDL, RISS, Korean traditional knowledge portal, OASIS) and checked relevant Korean journals from 2000 to 2019. We classified the papers by publish date, speciality, study method, and field of study, and analysed the study tendency. Result : 1. papers were published annually on average. 2. After classifying papers by the speciality of journal, continuous study was followed not only in korean medicine, but also in many specialities like Dietetics, Pharmacology and Tourism management. 3. In study methods, in vivo was 46%, quantitative inspection was 21%, and in vitro was 19%. 4. After classifying papers by field of study, efficacy was 49%, qualitative analysis was 27%, toxicity was 14%, and safety was 5%. 5. In efficacy, it was effective in muscloskeletal disease, cardiovascular disease, prevention of neurologic disease, antioxidation, immunization disease and so on. Conclusions : These results suggest that Ssanghwa-tang can be used as cure medicine, not just as herbal tonic, but there are not sufficient evidence based papers, so there should be further studies in order to establish Ssanghwa-tang as a cure medicine.
Ssanghwa-tang; Review;
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  • Reference
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