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A multidisciplinary approach for the treatment of child abuse in Korea  

Song, Bong Kyu (Department of Emergency Medicine, College of Medicine Seoul National University)
Kim, Do Kyun (Department of Emergency Medicine, College of Medicine Seoul National University)
Park, Hye Young (Child Protection Team, Seoul National University Children's Hospital)
Hwang, Jun Won (Department of Psychiatry, College of Medicine Seoul National University)
Kwak, Young Ho (Department of Emergency Medicine, College of Medicine Seoul National University)
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Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics / v.52, no.11, 2009 , pp. 1207-1215 More about this Journal
Purpose:To review and determine the complications in 76 child abuse cases recorded by a multidisciplinary hospital-based child protection team between 1987 and 2007. Methods:We retrospectively reviewed the reports and medical records of child abuse cases maintained by a university hospital-based child protection team. We devised a questionnaire for standardized interviews with the victims' guardians to determine the current physical and mental status of the children; questionnaires were answered by social workers of the child protection team who interviewed the present fosterers of 24 (35.8%) children. Results:Of the 76 children, 6 were infants, 10 were 1-3 years old, were 3-10 years old, and 19 were over 10 years old. Seven children (9.2%) were neglected and 27 (35.5%) and 44 (57.9%) were sexually and physically abused, respectively. In more than half of the cases, the perpetrators were the father or mother of the children. Most children (41 cases, 53.9%) were abused at their homes. The mean follow-up duration from the time of abuse infliction was $54.3{\pm}49.2$ months, and the current mean age of the children was $8.3{\pm}6.4$ years. Moderate and severe developmental delay and physical disability were observed in 6 (25.0%) and 3 (12.5%) cases, respectively. In 13 children (54.2%), the Global Assessment of Functioning Scale (GAF) score was less than 60, which indicates mild mental disability. Conclusion:A hospital-based child protection team may witness the different proportion of abuse types and patterns by conducting a nation-wide survey of child abuse cases.
Child abuse; Child advocacy;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 3  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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