Analytical Examination of Ductile Crack Initiation with Strength Mismatch under Dynamic Loading - Criterion for Ductile Crack Initiation Effect of Strength Mismatch and Dynamic Loading (Report 2) -
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Mitsuru Ohata
(Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University, (Presently Himeji Institute of Technology))
Masahito Mochizuki (Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University) Masao Toyoda (Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University) |
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The Relation between Adiabatic shear Instability Strain and Material Properties
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A Criterion for Dutile Fracture by the Growth of Holes;On the Influence of State of Stress on Ductile Failure Initiation in High Strength Steels
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Ductile Fracture Initiation Behavior of Pipe under A Large Scale of Cyclic Bending
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Criterion for Ductile Crack Initiation of Sturcture Steel under A Large Scale of Cyclic Loading
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Large Strain, High Strain Rate Testing of Copper
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Effect of Stress Triaxiality and Strain Rate on Ductile Fracture Initiation in Steel
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Dynamic Fracture Toughness Evaluation of Structural Steels Based on the Local apprcach-Application of the Local Approach to Fracture Control Design (Part 3)
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Effect of Temperature and Strain Rate on Dynamic Fracture Toughness of Steel
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Strain-rate effects on the Mechanical Properties of Low-Yield-Ratio High-Strength Steel
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Criterion for Ductile Crack Initiation Effect of Strength Mismatch and Dynamic Loading-Experimental Examination of Ductille Crack Initiation with Strength Mismatch under Dynamic Loading (Report 1)
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Effect of Stress Triaxialit on Ductile Facture Initiation Low Strength Steels
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Study on Static Tensile Begaviors of Welded Joints with a Lower Strength Weld Metal
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Strain-Rate Effects on the Mechanical Propertiesof Low-Yield-Ratio High Strength Steel
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On the Mechanisms of Ductile Failure in High-Strength Steels Subjected to Multi-Axial Stress-States
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Numerical Description of the Ambient Low-Temperature and High-Strain Rate Flow and Fracture Behavior of Plain Carbon Steel
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Effect of Loading Rate on Deformation and Fracture Properties Notched Steels
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Investigation of the Brittle Fracture at the Corner of P75 Rigid-Frame Pier in Kobe harbor Highway during the Hyogoken-Nanbu Earthquake
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The Japan Welding Engineering Society
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How Steel Structures Fared in Japan Great Earthquake
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Thermal Elestic-plastic Stress and strain Analysis Considering Temperature Rise due to Plastic Deformation by Loading in Undermatched Joint -Studies on Characteristics of Dynamic Deformation and Fracture in Welded Joint with Strength heterogeneity(Report 1)
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Plastic Instability and FlowLocalization in Shear at High Rates of Deformation
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Iterative Method for Dynamic Thermo Plastic Elastic Problem by using Finite Element Method
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A Simple Estimating Method of Constitutive Equation for Structure Steel as a Funtion of Strain Rate and Temperature
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Local Approach to Dynamic Fracture Toughness Evaluation. Fatigue and Fracture Mechanics
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Tensile Behavior and Strength of Soft Welded Joints
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An Analysis of the Time and Temperature Dependence of the Upper Yield Point in iron
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On the Influence of State of Stress on Ductile Failure Initiation in High Strength Steels
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