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Mediating Role of Empowerment in the Relations to Job and Organizational Factors, and Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment - Empirical Evidence from National University Hospital Employees -  

Lee, Hae-Jong (Department of Health Administration, College of Health Science, Yonsei University)
Yoon, Bang-Seob (Department of Business Administration, College of Government and Business, Yonsei University)
Publication Information
Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health / v.38, no.3, 2005 , pp. 315-324 More about this Journal
Objectives : The aim of this study was to examined the mediating role of empowerment in relations to job and organizational factors, and job satisfaction and organizational commitment in hospital organizations. Methods : Job variety, clarity, significance, and fitness were examined as the job factors, and security, reward justice, and organizational support as the organizational factors. Data were collected from 8 national university hospitals with 1,289 data points used for the final analysis. Results : All the job factors were found to positively influence empowerment, as were all the organizational factors, with the exception of reward justice . As hypothesized, empowerment had significant effects on both job satisfaction and organizational commitment, and was the most influential variable of all those examined. Conclusions : In the relations to job satisfaction, empowerment completely mediated job significance, security and organizational support, and partially mediated all other variables, with the exception of reward justice. In the relations to organizational commitment, empowerment completely mediated job variety and job fitness, and partially mediated all other variables, with the exception of reward justice. The theoretical and practical implications of these results have been discussed.
Empowerment; Job satisfaction; Organizational commitment;
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