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Co-Ethnic Relationships and Tendencies of Korean Entrepreneurs in Japan: A Case Study of Ikuno Area, Osaka  

Jo, Hyun-Mi (Department of Geography, Kyungpook National University)
Publication Information
Journal of the Korean Geographical Society / v.42, no.4, 2007 , pp. 601-615 More about this Journal
Many Korean migrants in Japan have established small businesses using their ethnic networks as they were discriminated and excluded from Japanese society and labour market. The aim of this study is to explore the changes in characteristics of Korean migrants' businesses by generation, focusing on the role of co-ethnic relationships including ethnic networks and resources on their businesses. This study analyzed Korean migrants' dependence of the ethnic resources to understand the relationship between the ethnic. When Koreans first moved to Japan, laborers amounted the most, but the number of the professionals and the small business owners has increased gradually. This change was influenced by the change of generation and the improvement of education, as well as recognition of Japanese society and the change of policies toward Korean migrants in Japan. In early times when the number of small business owners started to increase, many cases such as a business, an employment, the use of Korean banks used to depend on ethnic resources. Also there were many businesses of which main customers were Koreans. However, the dependence of the ethnic resources has become diverse as the structure of the occupation has changed. The maintenance or exclusion of co-ethnic relationship depends on the structure of society and economy, and its result affect the relationship between Korean migrants in Japan and Japanese.
Korean migrants in Japan; entrepreneurs; co-ethnic relationships; ethnic resources; Korean banks;
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  • Reference
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