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The Role of Geography Education in Marine Education  

Yoon Ok-Kyong (Education Research Institute, Seoul National University)
Publication Information
Journal of the Korean Geographical Society / v.41, no.4, 2006 , pp. 491-506 More about this Journal
In terms of the importance of ocean as a present and future resource and the Korean peninsular location, it is strongly urged to develop renewed recognition and educational programs on ocean, so as to respond properly to the newly emerging political changes surrounding the country. By setting up the purpose of marine education as engendering greater interests in and knowledge of ocean, this research suggests that the frame of marine education can be founded appropriately on four educational sub-categories: humanity education, territory education, economy education, and resources and environment education. At an operational scale, this paper particularly analyzed ocean- related contents in the 7th national curriculum in order to find substantial ways for strengthening marine education. The study simultaneously compared the result of content analysis with the curriculum of marine education in other countries, and founded that explicit ocean-related contents in the 7th curriculum were significantly limited. Yet, the study alternatively points out that it is possible to use a variety of teaching materials and apply them for writing textbooks or developing teaching-teaming curriculum. I provide some of the ways for strengthening marine education by using marine-related themes in the curriculum of geography education. Marine is not simply one of the key elements in the discipline of geography. But, more importantly, I suggest that geography is particularly useful in developing various and familiar themes such as swimming beach, fishing villages, ports, marine-bound industrial district and port cities into teaching materials.
marine education; humanity education; territory education; economy education; resources and environment education; geography curriculum; teaching materials;
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Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
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