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An Epistemology of Geomorphology and An Ontological Approach to Geomorphology Education  

송언근 (대구교육대학교 사회교육과)
Publication Information
Journal of the Korean Geographical Society / v.37, no.3, 2002 , pp. 262-275 More about this Journal
The purpose of this paper is to suggest a particular approach to geomorphology education based on an epistemology (anti-realist of geomorphology knowledge. Anti-realist epistemology of geomorphology may be characterized by the belief that (1) geomorphology knowledge is made or constructed rather than discovered, (2) knowledge construction begins with the perception of meaningfulness of the landform, and (3) it means recognizing the given land in terms of shape or form; (4) the construction is, in other words, a subjective or inter-subjective interpretation by the perceivers; (5) knowledge develops along with the hermeneutic circles. Aims of geomorphology education according to this epistemology, may be (1) to have children not so much construct geomorphology knowledge as live the very construction, (2) to have children maintain an enduring interest in their surrounding landform, and (3) to have them appreciate the intimate connections between the landform of a region and the modes of living in that region. In short, aims of geomorphology education may have to be ontological, i.c., to have children engaged in the understanding as a process of living rather than for the resulting knowledge.
realism; gestalt psychology; epistemology; ontology; hermeneutic circle; authenticity; ontological geomorphology education;
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Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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