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Design and Implementation of UCC Metadata Manager for Social Collaborative Service  

Oh, Jung-Min (Department of IT Application Tech., Hoseo University, GSV)
Song, Ju-Hong (Department of IT Application Tech., Hoseo University, GSV)
Moon, Nam-Mee (Department of IT Application Tech., Hoseo University, GSV)
Publication Information
Social network service is defined as an online service or communication service based on social relations among people applied the concept of social network. Social collaborative service included in social network service is characterized by the new value of modified content or recreated content made through collaborative creation process between members of the group. It has the remarkable merits such as sharing and collaboration. But, at the same time, it has the latent problems such as content reuse or copy that is not allowed for members to use. It has been emerged that UCC which is a typical example of recreated or modified content has the copyright issues in both creation and publishing step. To resolve this matter, we don't have many appropriate methods except CCL so far. So, in this paper, we define the problem and implement the UCC metadata manager to control metadata reflecting the feature of UCC. We draw the reference metadata element to identify original content utilized re-creation process. After that we define the R.Metadata Loader module based on the use case. Finally, the proposed UCC metadata manager provides the information of referenced content and lets us to identify the relationship between reference contents. So as to implement prototype, we use Kaltura which is CMS using open source and obtain functional extensibility of metadata manager by using open API.
Social network service; UCC multimedia content; Metadata manager; Reference metadata; Copyright;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 14  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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