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The Stability of Temperament During Infancy - A Short-Term Longitudinal Study -  

Lee, Hyung-Min (Child & Family Major, Kyung Hee University)
ParkChoi, Hye-Won (Department of Child & Family Welfare, University of Ulsan)
Kim, Mal-Kyong (Department of Child & Family Welfare, University of Ulsan)
Chang, You-Kyung (Hansol Educational Research Center)
Choi, Yu-Li (Hansol Educational Research Center)
Publication Information
Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association / v.46, no.7, 2008 , pp. 47-58 More about this Journal
Using the Toddler Temperament Scale(Saslow, 1993), the temperament stability of 239 toddlers from the ages of 18 and 30-months was analyzed longitudinally. TTS was composed of five sub-scales; Activity, Approach-Withdrawal, Adaptability, Intensity, and Mood. Significant correlations were established when stabilities of the temperamental sub-scales from 18- to 24-months, 24- to 30-months and 18- to 30-months were examined. For example, in relation to 'Approach-Withdrawal' factor, which was the most stable across infancy, infants who showed higher scores in 18 months of age also showed higher scores in 24- and 30-months of age. In addition, the stability of temperament in the categorical status of each infant was analyzed. Infants were divided into three groups at each age: 'Easy', 'slow-to-warm up', or 'difficult' according to their relative status within each age group. It was found that 54% of infants stayed in the same temperament group from 18 to 24 months, and so did 78% of infants from 24 to 30 months. In particular, 'easy' group illustrated the highest stability among the groups; 71.2% of infants stayed in the same temperament group between 18 and 24 months of age, while 85.9% of infants did so between 24 and 30 months of age. In conclusion, the results of this study indicate high temperament stability during the studied age bracket, while also confirming the fact that stability, in general, increases with age.
temperament; toddlerhood; stability; Short-term Longitudinal Study;
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  • Reference
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