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Korean Mothers' Fervor for their Children's Education with a Focus on the Demographic and Psychological Characteristics  

Kim, Song-Yee (Child Development Research Institute, Yonsei University)
Publication Information
Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association / v.46, no.2, 2008 , pp. 13-23 More about this Journal
This study examined effects of demographic characteristics, mothers' perceived social pressure regarding their children's education, social conspicuousness, competitiveness, and self-esteem on the mothers' fervor for their children's education. These effects were analysed separately by residential area. A total of 231 mothers who had children attend middle school at Mok-dong and Ahyun-dong surveyed by questionnaire. There were significant differences based on the mothers' residential area. Mok-dong mothers have a higher perceived social pressure about child education, self-esteem, education fervor for their child, and monthly income and fathers' and mothers' education level than Ahyun-dong mothers. In Mok-dong mothers, only demographic characteristics of the family significantly explained the mothers' education fervor. Specifically, monthly income and fathers' education level were positively related to education fervor of Mok-dong mothers. Ahyun-dong mothers' social pressure about child education and self-esteem significantly explained mothers' education fervor for their child after controlling their demographic characteristics. Specifically, positive social pressure and positive self-esteem were positively related to mothers' education fervor about their child.
education fervor; social pressure; competitiveness; social conspicuousness; self-esteem; demographic characteristics;
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  • Reference
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