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A Study of the Producing Conventions of Lifestyle News in the Newspaper  

Hong, Eun-Hee (Dept. of Digital Media, Myungji University)
Publication Information
Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association / v.45, no.2, 2007 , pp. 105-117 More about this Journal
The purpose of this study is to examine the producing conventions of lifestyle news and search for problems with these conventions. This research is about the entire process of production of lifestyle news, while dividing it into sourcing conventions and editing conventions. With this concept as a goal, we analyzed the content of lifestyle articles over the last six months in two types of daily papers, and then interviewed journalists in-depth. The results of the study indicate that as for sourcing conventions, reporting is accomplished by focusing on a reporter and using anonymous or false-named news sources. These conventions spread widely over not only ideas but also valuation of news items and security of news sources. This is because in terms of lifestyle news that is closely related to one's private life such as family relations, a reporter often attempts to prevent a news source from being exposed to secondary damage, such as the criticism of readers. In the meantime, editing conventions of lifestyle articles are irrelevant in terms of the quality of each media enterprise. Instead, these conventions are connected with the day of publication. Moreover, editors tend to approach editing conventions to spread the culture of upper classes, recognizing that the readers are consumers who have purchasing power.
lifestyle news; producing conventions; sourcing conventions; editing conventions;
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  • Reference
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